So, I like spinach. I pretty much always have.
I would have to give credit to both Popeye and my mom for my childhood spinach enjoyment. My mom really did a good job of making most veggies a regular part of everyday food eating, as they should be; It wasn't until MUCH later in life that I found out that all lasagna wasn't made with spinach...I KNOW! All-in-all, I like veggies -
except in the case of lima beans - there's just no redeeming value to the lima bean...icky.
Luckily, I'm a grownup now so I don't have to eat lima beans if I don't want to.
My little guy seems to have quite the sweet tooth so, in my attempts to foster his savory side I've been making these by the sheet full:
delicious looking right?
These are spinach, cheese, breadcrumbs, egg yolk, garlic powder and thyme. I've made variations with broccoli and I have a few asparagus I might experiment with this weekend. Most recently I've made some with spinach and ground chicken. They freeze wonderfully, they travel well, they satisfy my little guy's desire to feed himself, my desire to introduce new flavors to him...and our apparent mutual dislike for most things pureed.
So right now these are my favorite 'baby food' but I'm not sure what the next step is. He loves freeze dried fruit - he occasionally has texture issues and doesn't want to touch anything mushy, but with a couple of packs of freeze dried bananas, blueberries or strawberries on hand we're good to go. He also like sweet potatoes, potatoes and eggplant (sometimes). He liked grapes a couple of weeks ago but apparently he's on the 'outs' with grapes right now.
Meanwhile, this is what the Mr. and I ate for dinner. Yup, another pizza. We like to make pizza. It's easy, it's also the most delicious way to eat bunch of veggies sitting on some bread.