Things are changing.
Mr. Man and I just bought our first house. yup - a whole HOUSE! It's an amazing feeling; especially since the bills haven't really started to roll in yet...We are still busy cleaning, unpacking and making plans. You know, homeowner plans, like
"Maybe in a few years we could put french doors here, that open up to the yard."
"Should the patio extend father out or along the back of the house?"
"Should the half-court be in the back corner or over by this fence?"
That last one is my husband's main concern. Sure, there are gutters that need to be installed, and the kitchen is a pretty tight squeeze, but it's ours (plus, the yard is HUGE).
Another big thing that's happened is that the Little Guy just turned 1. I look at pictures of him from the first few weeks and I can barely believe that he's the same person. The son I have now is walking more confidently every day; A little boy who's previously non-existent vocabulary, now includes: up, all done, no, ma, da and the beginning and pieces of words soon to come. Yea, I have a toddler.
Speaking of pictures, on the not-so-happy-news-front my camera was stolen some time just before we moved. I'm finding it hard to live without but now you know why this post is imageless...
The last few weeks have been a whirl wind of activity and, once I unearth my big crate of yarn - and borrow a camera (grrr), I'll be able to show the projects that have kept me sane during the move.