I've been doing a lot of itty bitty crochet recently, which means I need teeny tiny tools and pint-sized yarn. The earrings, bracelets, flowers are all made with embroidery floss and a crochet hook from 2.65 mm or smaller.
Now, embroidery floss is great; it comes in lots of colors and every craft store sells it, so I can pick up new colors for custom orders with out much hassle. My only complaint is that is comes in these mini-skeins, which is probably appropriate given the diminutive nature of everything else. But I can go through 3 or four of them one seemingly small project which means a bunch of unwinding and winding and untangling. Not fun.
(photo from DMC website)
Occasionally I can find a small spool or a black, or cream but no variety.
But then, on a gloomy rainy day I happened upon these
They had pinks and purples, blues and yellows; all sorts of fun. I was good and "only" bought 4. Two were colors I needed, so I only consider this a halfway unnecessary purchase. These are more traditional 'crochet cottons' and much easier to use. I'm sure if I were into embroidery, I would prefer the mini parcels.
I think I'm going to have to start ordering these online because these were from Britex Fabrics in San Francisco (Read: expensive) and even though they get cool points for having more than the black and tan, the selection rather paltry considering ; but it is a fabric store so I was excited that they had anything at all.
Anyone care to take a guess as to how many synonyms for small I used?